MOA Maintenance


Installation & Testing

Our team is always on the pulse – at your homebase, worldwide - or at our hangar at LSZT – to save valuable time and minimise your aircraft downtime.

Our terms of approval include:

A1 Aeroplanes above 5700 kgC2 Auto Flight
A2 Aeroplanes 5700 kg and belowC3 Comms and Nav
A3 HelicoptersC5 Electrical Power & Lights
 C6 Equipment

C13 Indicating/Recording System
General Limitation Components and scope as per the
Capability List defined in the Company Exposition

We install our KUERZI products or our developed systems. We install wiring and pre-assembled harnesses from our production, on site to save valuable time and minimise aircraft downtime. 

Thanks to the KUERZI DOA, we verify our installation on Aircraft Level and approve a permit to fly, on request.

Verification on Aircraft Level

Thanks to the KUERZI DOA, we verify our installation on Aircraft Level and approve a permit to fly, on request.